
Tuesday, March 01, 2005

March 1st

This is not my normal time to write but at 1:09 AM I am still not able to fall asleep. Who knows why! I, uh, had an ordinary day and in the evening went for a two mile walk. We ate at Gordo's, came home, watched a little tv, I read and read and read and NOTHING! I don't get it. My legs get jumpy, I can't get into a comfortable position, I'm hot, my mind won't turn off, what is the matter with me? I'm plenty sleepy at 8AM. I have trouble getting up then, but I do. Marc can sleep anywhere, anytime. Don't I wish! Whatever.

Maia is three weeks old already, twice as old as when I last saw her. Alexis has posted the cutest pictures on her blog. I talk to her often and she is sounding better and peppier everyday. I think she is getting into a good routine with a two year old and a new baby. Gradually, she'll be able to even fit in hobbies, housecleaning, trips out to run errands...all the normal everyday stuff. It all takes time and practice.

Made an appointment with a cardiologist to discuss my arythmia. It drives me crazy. I'm trying to get to sleep and my heart keeps going ku-thump, ku-thump, ku-thump, kuuuuuuu- THUMP, ku-thump, ku-thump, kuuuuuuu-THUMP and so on. I know it' s not dangerous or life threatening but it really bothers me at times and combined with my slightly rapid heartrate, and higher than normal blood pressure, I thought I should at my advanced age of 56, almost 57, get it checked out.

I'm going to play a few games of solitare and see if I don't get sleepy enough to go back to bed. Ciao for now!