
Friday, December 24, 2004

Boy, oh boy!

Christmas is almost here and I can't believe it! We are so fortunate here in CA to have this wonderful weather compared to the rest of the country. Marc's relatives in the Midwest are suffering through 5 degree weather and Erin has had warm torrential rains and now freezing weather. We sit here in Berkeley with 60 degree sunshine, no wind, no rain, no snow. In a way it is hard to get into the Christmas spirit because it is so anti-winter but we try. Marc and I got the house decorated with five trees, lots of garland, little collections of Santas and Angels and Xmas trees here and there. I've put candy all over the house (thank God cats don't eat candy like dogs would!) and the Christmas songs are playing on the radio. We are staying in tonight and will have some mulled wine and make homemade macaroni and cheese, maybe open a gift, and just revel in a wonderful life. Marc's sister Jo Ann has been here for three days from the Lake of the Ozarks. Last night we went to San Francisco, had a wonderful dinner at Jardiniere's, and then went to an Irving Berlin musical, "White Christmas." It was the perfect kick-off to the holiday week. Tomorrow, Christmas Day, we'll open another few presents, lolligag around and then head out to Shelden's to watch the Raider-KC Chiefs football game. What heretic schedules a football game on Christmas Day?! And who goes to these games, and who watches them on tv? Well, a lot of people, I guess. Let's hope the Raiders win. They did really good last game. So, Merry, merry Christmas to all and peace and love throughout the world. We can only hope.


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