
Monday, November 29, 2004

Thanks giving

We just returned from our jaunt to LA to be with Chris, Alexis, and Sofia for turkey day. We drove down early Wednesday morning and arrived around noon. Traffic was minimal, exactly how we planned it. Lexi and Chris' new house is so much bigger than they've ever had and the possibilities are exciting. With their creativity and drive that house will be gorgeous in no time! Alexis looks pregnant (!); she should. She's 29 weeks along now. The baby moves endlessly. Sofia is "a leetle gul" as she puts it and is still a bundle of energy but very sweet and loveable and 99% potty trained. It was fun staying with them for a couple days and then moving on up the coast to do some sight-seeing. We stayed in Morro Bay Friday night, did a little Xmas shopping, stopped at San Simeon for a quick tour of Hearst's Castle, and then drove up Hwy. 1 past Big Sur (my favorite area in CA!) to Carmel for Saturday night. Carmel is as charming as ever. Marc and I both got Sofia's cold and are moving rather slowly but hey, what's the big deal? Better a cold between holidays then on holidays. I am grateful to be alive; to have a fabulous family including my new husband; to live in CA; to be American. What a lucky duck! Happy Holidays to All!

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

The second

Whew! It has been a rough week for the ol' clan. First Shealyn got sick, then Shelden, then Laurel, then Logan, then Susie, then Patrick, then Marc... Basic symptoms of up-chucking, intestinal distress, aching joints, fever, and milasse. Not everyone got every symptom but we each got enough to lay us low for a couple days. There is only one good thing I can think of to say about vomiting, diahrhea, and not eating for days. You lose weight! Three pounds in three days for me. Now you ask, why should I even be thinking of that? Hey, I'll take it wherever I can get it. That's pathetic but true. I don't want to get on this subject really but whenever a drug company comes up with a safe pill to take to get one's weight down to a tolerable level and still allow eating and drinking, I will be there to take it. I admit it. I like to eat; I like to drink; and lately I have had trouble keeping to a regular exercise routine because of the move, the wedding, the honeymoon, and then the plantar faciatis. Hey, that's another good thing that has happened since I got sick on Saturday! I've had to lay around and stay off my foot and it feels alot better. Maybe by next week I can start walking again. I got a new pair of running shoes with Marc's and La Foot's help and am anxious to try them out. Anyway, back to the weight thing...The only time I didn't struggle with weight was when I taught aerobics and did an average of nine classes a week. Now that's alot of calories burned. I'd have to guess that was an average of 3000 calories a week burned exercising. Wish I could do that again.
As you can tell I gave up the idea of no punctuation and no caps. It was too much effort on both sides of the blog, I'm sure. Erin has suggested that I consciously make an effort to write fairly often to get into the habit of it and I think she's right. It takes a little time but I am finding it fun to just have a stream of consciousness going and I feel like I'm actually talking to those of you who take the time to read it.
So, enough for now. I'm feeling ever so much better and ready to add back those three pounds at Thanksgiving Dinner at Chris and Alexis'.
Happy Thanksgiving to All and think peace. Boy, what a concept! A peaceful mind could bring a peaceful home, a peaceful city, a peaceful state, country, world. Oh, if it was only that simple!

Sunday, November 07, 2004

The first of many

greetings all
hopefully this will be the first of many blogs that i will share with you all i dont intend to use caps or punctuation just to keep life interesting and see how smart you all are so this is my first try and i guess i need to say something interesting or ill fall flat on my face and no one will read me erin is a very interesting writer and she complains that no one reads hers ill never be as good as she is but thats okay whew that seems like a very long sentence without punctuation but it wasnt really marc and i are about to end our two months of 24 7 time together he goes back to work on monday i will miss the intensity i am starting back at the hospital on wednesday and am contemplating going back to work somewhere but after the first of the year get through the holidays it has been a wild two and a half years i wonder if it will ever be normal again what is normal anyway name one person in our family who has a normal calm life i dare you i know we make our own lives and we have the power to make them busy or quiet dont we how many think our lives are even 50 percent under our power not me but i do think 25 percent is in our control and with that part i will make my day interesting busy fulfilling varied and never boring my motto be open to anything anytime anywhere lets see if i can live up to it
so heres the first posting more later of course because once i start something i stick with it